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More than Temptation Page 2
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Page 2
“Her place is Bella’s, on Duquesne Place,” Storm interjected.
“I’ve never heard of it.”
“Come to think of it, I’m surprised you don’t know her. She’s related to Julianne.”
When he said that, Morgan immediately knew what it was about her that had struck a chord in him. It was her eyes—she had the golden eyes that he’d come to equate with the Locke family. He thought briefly of Julianne Locke, the woman he had saved many years ago. She’d been pregnant when she and her husband had been in a devastating crash that had taken his life and had left Julianne hurt. Julianne and her daughter had survived because of him. It wasn’t something Morgan wanted credit or their gratitude for—although Julianne as well as many of her family and friends conveyed both sentiments. He’d only recently reconnected with Julianne, when his friend and co-worker had become involved with her. She and her daughter had wanted to show their appreciation, but it had become much more. They had taken him into the fold of their family, and he’d become very friendly with many of the Lockes. Although he’d heard of Bella, a retired singer who owned a popular business that kept her very busy, he’d never met her. Her busyness was one of the reasons why they hadn’t seen each other before. He’d attended various things she had been supposed to be at, but she hadn’t shown up. As far as he recalled, no one had mentioned that it was a supper club.
“Oh.” Morgan shrugged. “We’ve never crossed paths. I’ve got to get back to the station.”
“Okay,” Storm replied.
Morgan left and once he was on the sidewalk, he stopped, putting on his jacket. Now that he knew who she was, Morgan wondered if her interest in him was gratitude for saving Julianne. It doesn’t matter. I won’t see her again. At least, nothing beyond interaction with her family. With that decided, he strode down the sidewalk to his vehicle. As he got in, he thought of her laugh and smile again. Morgan pushed them away and returned to work.
A half an hour later he strode into the Singleton Fire Department on Delko Street, where he worked. Inside, he waved at the other people working as he headed to the office he shared with some of the other fire investigators. Immediately he noticed that Keenan Callaghan—who was engaged to Julianne—was at his desk on the phone. He lifted his hand, acknowledging him, and Morgan returned the gesture.
He went to his own desk, shrugging out of his coat before placing it on the back of his chair, then pulled out a file for a case he was working on and sat. Morgan started to work, but his thoughts throughout the day kept going to the golden-eyed woman who had captured his attention with her exuberance.
Later when he was at home, he still couldn’t get her out of his mind. Pacing back and forth in his living room, Morgan stared out at the darkened night, debating with himself.
“Fuck it.” Finally, he headed for the door and to his blue Dodge Durango.
Soon he was in his vehicle and headed out of his driveway. He tapped his finger on the wheel as he whistled along with the CD that had been cued up from earlier. While he drove, the time passed quickly and almost an hour later, he parked in the lot before turning off the vehicle then getting out. He strode across the lot and glanced at the line waiting to be let in. He stopped on the sidewalk in front of the entrance and debated if he should leave. It was obviously a busy night, and this really hadn’t been a good idea to come here. He turned to leave.
“Morgan,” someone called.
He glanced towards the sound and smiled as he saw a familiar face. He walked over and the woman enveloped him in her arms.
“Khandi, it’s nice to see you. What are you doing here?”
Khandi Locke pulled back but kept her hands on his waist. “Nice to see you too.” She studied him. “You forgot that I work here?”
“Yeah.” Morgan nodded. “I did. With so many of you Lockes running around, I can’t keep it straight who works where or owns what.”
“Don’t worry.” Khandi changed her hold, sliding her arm into the crook of his, then patted his forearm. “You’ll get used to it. Come, let me take you to Bella. Did you want to check your coat?”
“How’d you know I was here to see her?” Morgan frowned and shook his head. “No, I’ll keep my jacket.” He figured that what he had to find out wouldn’t take long and he could leave quicker if he had it instead of waiting for it to be retrieved from the coat check.
“She mentioned you might come by.” Khandi studied him again. “Although she didn’t try to show it, I could tell there was something she wasn’t telling me. So I got curious and told the door to keep an eye out for you. One of our laser tag buddies is manning the door tonight so they know how you look.”
Morgan wasn’t sure what to make of Khandi manoeuvring it so if he came he would see Bella. She led him inside, past the line waiting.
“You all seem busy. Maybe I should come back another time.” Morgan glanced around the club.
Bella’s was a classy yet comfortable-looking place. There were patrons eating and the set-up was so they had space that was private from the others close by.
“This is a slow night.” Khandi led him on. “Even if it wasn’t, Bella would see you. When you come again, just give your name at the door and you’ll be let in.” Khandi stopped. “There’s Bella.”
“Who said I’ll be here again?” Morgan stared at her.
“I know Bella. She’s a smart lady.” Khandi squeezed his arm and winked. “Also determined, so she wouldn’t let you get away, since you came to her.”
Khandi walked away. Morgan stared after her a moment then finally looked towards where Khandi had pointed. His breath caught as he spotted Bella. Earlier she’d been casually dressed and had looked sexy as hell. Dressed up, she was as sexy as she’d been previously and Morgan had a hard time remembering to breathe. Her red dress fell in soft waves around her curvaceous body to just below her knees, while her white accessories offset the colour. Her hair, which earlier had been in ponytail, was now loose around her, framing her captivating sienna face with kinky wild curls that went to below her hips. All he could think was that she was definitely a complication, and him deciding to come here had been a bad idea, because he wasn’t going to walk away. Bella stopped before him, a hair’s breadth between them. Morgan’s gaze was drawn to her knee-high, white, high-heeled boots, which had jewels that twinkled on the strap that crisscrossed up to the top of her footwear.
He lifted his head and met her golden gaze. “At the candy store, did you show interest in me because of gratitude?”
“It wasn’t until after I was at my third stop after I left you at the candy shop that I realised who you were. So no, I didn’t show interest because of gratitude.” Bella’s gaze was steady. “Even if I had known who you were when we met, I wouldn’t have been interested because of gratitude.” She stepped closer, her clothing brushing against his. “We’re both blunt and let’s continue in that same vein. I’m interested in you, Morgan James. The man who, when I saw him, made me think of all manner of things—none of which had to do with gratitude. Things that I can’t even articulate yet. I want us to see where this attraction can possibly go. I know you’re attracted to me too.” She closed her eyes briefly and when she opened them, the desire in them made Morgan’s heart race. “However, my question to you is this. Are you willing to take a chance?”
Chapter Two
Morgan stared into her eyes. Bella smiled a slow, sultry smile then stepped back and held out her hand. He put his into hers then she led him to a booth close to the stage.
“Give me your jacket.”
He took it off and handed it to her.
“I’ll be back.” She left him.
Morgan slid into the booth and watched as she strolled away. The sway of her hair just below her ass made his hand ache to touch the strands that he knew would be soft. Soon, Bella went out of view. He turned his attention to the club and he watched the waitresses and waiters easily navigating the tables as they took orders, delivered food and efficiently did whatever wa
s needed to make people comfortable. As he observed the area, he saw a pattern of how they worked and wondered who was in charge of the wait staff because they had them well trained.
“Sorry it took me so long,” Bella said, beside his table.
Morgan glanced at her, frowning since he hadn’t seen her return.
“I came from the left of the stage. Back there is where the offices are.” Bella gestured behind her.
“No problem about the time. I didn’t really notice how long it was.” Morgan motioned to the room. “I was watching the pattern of your staff.”
“I should be offended you didn’t miss me.” Bella sat beside him. “But you have me wondering, what you mean about pattern?”
“It was better I didn’t think about you because I will need to stand up when I leave.” Morgan moved closer to her. “There is a pattern to the way your staff move as they work the dining room. Whoever trained them made it so they are unobtrusive yet highly efficient. It’s interesting. I like finding out patterns.”
“I could comment on your not thinking of me for worry that you won’t be able to stand without giving everyone a good view. But I won’t.” Bella leaned towards him. “I don’t like the idea of anyone else seeing you that way but me.” She relaxed back against the booth. “The pattern and efficiency you see is all because of Mike.”
There was a fondness in her tone he didn’t like hearing. “Mike?”
“No need to get that cool tone with me.” Bella smiled. “Mike is short for Michelle. She handles the front area staff and security for Bella’s.”
“Mike short for Michelle.” Morgan frowned then shook his head. “It couldn’t be. Is Mike’s last name Monahan?”
“Yes, how did you know?”
“My old partner when I was a firefighter was a Mike Monahan and she was really good at patterns. But it probably isn’t her. She moved out of town to Los Angles when she was released from the hospital. She was there that day when I helped Julianne. She worked on getting Julianne’s husband out, but he didn’t make it. She was hurt too.”
“Give me a sec.” Bella touched her waist and it was then he noticed she had a cordless walkie-talkie on her side, and an ear bud. “Mike, get over here.”
“It would be too small a world if it was her. She—” Morgan stopped as he spotted that familiar walk that was all confidence and take no prisoners. He rose as the woman came closer. “Mike!” He hugged her and she returned it fiercely. “When did you get back to Singleton? And why didn’t you look me up to let me know you were back?”
“Morgie, it’s good to see you.” She smiled and her dark brown eyes had that devilish spark in them. “Wow, it’s been a little over three years ago since I came back. I didn’t even think of how long it’s been till now. I’ve been meaning to get in touch but have been so busy that I lost track of time. Forgive me, Morgie.” She touched his cheek over his scar and Morgan didn’t push her away as he would anyone else.
He placed his hand on the scar, similar to his own, on her dark honey cheek but on the opposite side. He remembered the day when they had both been trapped in the car and cut when they’d tried to save Julianne and her husband. They had been lying side by side with them when the weight had pressed on them. He’d felt the slice and he’d cried out, hearing her echo him. He hadn’t known if she was okay, nor she him, since their focus had been on those they were trying to rescue. At the hospital later, he’d been too out of it and when he’d finally been able to focus, he’d almost lost his temper when they tried to keep him from her but instead had bided his time, waiting for them to leave before making his move. He’d got out of bed when he’d heard she was in ICU and they didn’t think she would make it. It didn’t matter that he was in the hospital too—all he’d wanted to do was get to his partner. He’d passed out and had caused himself more damage trying to go to her. Not being able to see her had been painful and when they could see each other he’d learned she had felt the same way when unable to see him.
It wasn’t until they’d both been well enough that they’d found out they had matching scars on opposite cheeks. They’d been close friends then but had grown even closer after. Even when Mike had left town they had kept in touch for a while before slowly losing contact.
“I’ll forgive you this time.” Morgan hugged her again. “But we won’t lose touch again.”
“Although Mike and I are really good friends, I’m not sure if I like her hugging all up on you like that.”
Bella’s tone was teasing so he knew she was joking. He turned to her and placed his hand at the small of Mike’s back. “In case it wasn’t clear, this is Mike. My old partner.”
“Mike, why didn’t you ever tell us you were there with Julianne that day?” Bella frowned.
“Didn’t make sense to dredge up memories.” Mike glanced at Morgan and in her gaze he saw the same thing he knew was in his. They saw a lot of people on their worst days and moments—making those people relive their pain by seeing them wasn’t something they would ever do. Mike focused on Bella. “I was just doing my job.”
It was similar to what he said all the time. The same words he’d said to Julianne a few times when they’d spoken of what happened.
“You were, but that day, what you all did saved Julianne.” Bella leant forward. “You’ve become part of the extended Locke clan and are family already, so expect to get some hassle for not owning up to who you are. When Julianne finds out, she’s going to want to thank you. I don’t know why she didn’t know about you.”
“She asked for the person who saved her.” Mike shrugged. “There was no need for her to know about the person who couldn’t save her husband.”
Morgan squeezed Mike’s waist gently. Losing anyone they tried to save took a toll. They celebrated those they helped and mourned in their own way the ones they couldn’t.
“Fuck that.” Bella rose and pulled Mike into her arms. She whispered too quietly in her ear for Morgan to hear.
He stepped back and sat, giving them some space. Soon Mike pulled away and patted Bella on the shoulder then turned to him.
“We’ll catch up soon.” She flashed a playful look at Bella. “I promise to not paw at your man too much. Remember, I’ve known him way longer than you so some contact—all platonic, I promise—will happen.”
“Such a troublemaker.” Bella shooed her away. “He’s not my man.”
“Yet,” Mike said then she glanced between the two of them. “But for the Morgan I know, that will be rectified soon. And, Bella, I know you well enough.” She left.
“She knows you well enough for what?” Morgan asked as Bella sat again.
“To know that I’m not usually so on edge about anyone.” Bella propped her hand under her chin and stared at him. “I don’t know what it is about you, Morgan, but you tempt me.”
“Ditto.” Morgan pulled her hand gently from under her chin and put it on his thigh under the table, slipping his fingers between hers. “Tell me a little about you. I know this isn’t our first official date, but we’ll get there.”
“I consider the candy shop when you accepted my offering as our first date.” Bella smiled, a playful look in her gaze. “It was like your accepting my token as a signal I could pursue you.”
“That’s a damn good start. I have a sweet tooth. Give me anything with strawberry or coconut, or even better, both, and I’ll be all yours.” Morgan chuckled.
“I’ll make a note of that.” Bella placed her other hand on the table. “Before I spill about me then you tell me about yourself, do you want something to eat? Drink?”
“I’m not hungry. I ate earlier. But I’ll take a drink. Do you have any juice? I don’t like alcohol.” Morgan placed his hand over hers.
“We have something strawberry. I’ll tell someone to get it for you.” She pulled her hand away gently, pressed the communicator and made the request before she put it against his again. “We’ll have to get a meal together soon. I want to know what foods tempt your taste buds
and make you make decadent sounds. Sounds that would make me wonder if you would sound the same way in bed.”
“We will.” Morgan leaned his head closer. “And ditto again. So what food would make you moan?”
“Stuffing. I love stuffing—potato and bread—and with various things in it. Except raisins. Don’t like raisins in my food at all. I haven’t found a stuffing that I didn’t like yet.”
“Stuffing? I haven’t heard of potato stuffing.” Morgan rubbed his finger along the back of her hand.
“You haven’t? It’s an old family recipe from St. Thomas, where we are originally from. There is an easy way to make it with packaged mash potatoes, but none of us do it that way. Our parents would have our hides if we did. We do it the real way with real potatoes and mashing them then adding all the delicious ingredients to make your taste buds sing. I’ll make it for you sometime.”
“I’d like that. And I’ll cook for you too.” Morgan smiled when her breathing increased as he continued to stroke his finger along her hand.
“Great. That’s two dates, one at each of our houses, already arranged.” Bella lowered her lids, making her thick curly lashes frame her golden eyes and causing her to seem even more mysterious. “What is your food that makes you groan?”
“Chicken. I know, boring, but I love it any way it is cooked.” He winked. “Fried, grilled, baked and all sorts of seasonings.”
“Note to self, make Morgan some chicken that will make him make delicious sounds and his taste buds sing.”
“Sounds good to me.” Morgan tilted his head to the side. “About singing. I’ve never listened to your music.”
Bella eyes widened then she laughed. “That’s okay. Although I was sort of famous for my music, that isn’t all that I am. I’m just Bella. Besides, I’m retired and just a poor old supper club owner.”
“You’re not a poor old anything. I’d call you a sassy, blunt and fascinating woman.” Morgan lowered his head.